BuffyMUD Wiki

NAME: Hayden Cartwright

D.O.B.: November 17, 2000(Current age: 16)

RACE: Human

Hobbies: Getting sloshed, video games, track, fencing, reading

OCCUPATION: Student, part-time job at the Papyrus Bookstore

Affiliation: ???

Hayden Cartwright was born and raised in London living a fairly normal life for the first sixteen years of his life. The teenager got average grades, did well in sports, got into fights at school and had a few run-ins with the law, mostly for illicit substances and petty crime. Hayden was, for the most part, considered a good, smart kid who fell into the wrong crowd.

After setting himself “straight,” his mother decided that him studying abroad would be a good experience seeing Hayden’s actions as one of a boy who was not intellectually stimulated. Sunnydale, California was suggested by one of Hayden’s friends and it looked suitable to everyone involved, so there he went.

It didn’t take long for Hayden to figure out something was terribly wrong. Fortunately for him, he survived his first encounter with a vampire, tripping it into a branch and accidentally dusting him. Shocked, but oddly intrigued, Hayden decided to stay in town to study. The teenager isn’t much of a demon hunter (yet), mostly interested in just doing what he can do to survive, protect his friends, and to gather information.
